Do you urgently require some cash? You may be tempted to go to your local pokies in order to acquire this money. Or, similarly, it might seem like a good idea to get a loan from a money lending company. But if you really need this cash fast, you don’t have to take on dept. If you have a Hyundai, all you need to do is sell that!
You may be wondering how on earth you are going to sell your Hyundai in the space of time that you need the money by. Don’t worry about it. If you live in Brisbane, you will be fully able to sell that Hyundai within one day!
How is this possible? Selling a vehicle takes at least a few days at the least. And only then if you’re lucky. Normally it will take a week or a few. This is where we come in. We are QLD Cash for Car, Brisbane’s leading auto removal and auto wrecking company. We will buy that vehicle off you on the same day that you contact us! And depending on its condition, you could get up to $5’999 for it.
Does selling your Hyundai to us sound like the correct plan of action for you? Great! You may as well start by getting a cash quote from us. It’s a good thing that it is free and comes with no obligations. Here are the two ways to contact us: Phone us at 07 3274 3428 or fill out the form on our website. We will need you to tell us the age of your Hyundai, what condition your Hyundai is in, along with its model. Afterwards we will contact you with your free quote as soon as possible.
We buy scrap or junk cars all the time here in QLD Cash for Car. The conclusion one can draw from that is that we will buy any vehicle whatsoever, irrespective of what condition they happen to be in. If you have drawn this conclusion for yourself, based on the fact that we buy junk cars, then congratulations.
You have a fully functioning capacity for logic and reasoning. Because it is the truth. Whether you Hyundai is a complete wreck, or the engine has blown and it would be cheaper to buy a new car rather than have the engine replaced, we will buy that Hyundai off you.
On top of that, we are proud to be able to buy all the different models that Hyundai has manufactured. This includes, but isn’t limited to, the
There is no need for you to hire a tow truck if your car is not road worthy. We have all the equipment needed for the purpose of removing vehicles. And we won’t hide the cost by paying you less for your automobile either. Car removal is completely free. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!